My lucky day! The camels were on the beach at 8am. I nearly missed them – only 7, and in the distance from the Life Guard building where I stood, they looked like people. I had to hurry and just caught them for a morning shot against the sea background.
The tide was way out, leaving ripple marks on this flat, long, wide, sandy bay.
We had arranged to meet Mako at Zanders for sunset and dinner. The sunset was glorious again; blue sky, aqua sea, red and orange horizon that became deeper red and purple to black. The conversation was mostly around his move here as pastor, our experiences, the state of the churches. He told us that his group are mostly fully Biblical, and open to discussion, in contrast to the city dwellers who know it all. And the food was good. His wife, Jess, is in Perth for training and her Mother’s birthday.
And so a good packed holiday ends; we return to the 22C winter in Perth, with all the associated obligations of home ownership and a B&B. I can see the attraction of a minimalist life style – a 4×4, a caravan, and no rush to anywhere. Sigh.
Broome Airport