AUSTRALIA – Wyndham, the Kimberleys – Day 7 – 29th May 2017

Wyndham is another town that has seen better days. It was established as the port for the mines to the south at Halls Creek. Goods were transported along a cobbled road by Afghans with camels – a graveyard is that’s left of them. The old town is squeezed between the steep Bastion lookout on the […]

AUSTRALIA – Kununurra, the Kimberleys – Day 4 – 26th May 2017

Leaving Mary River, the flat landscape was similar to yesterday, but it became much more interesting after Warmun; hills, valleys, and smaller cattle stations, taller and more numerous trees. Both Halls Creek and Warmun are small towns that supported mining, and the cattle drives, where the cattle were herded to the ports from the inland […]